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Monday, August 15, 2011

Professionalism in Social Networking

This blog is hard one to write, but I think it is necessary. I read a few blogs in my spare time . . ok well not really my "spare" time, but you get the point. One that I particularly like is Mothers in Medicine  for the most obvious reason--I am a mother and I am going to be in medicine. But I also like it because they write about issues that women face in the workforce as mothers. Topics such as taking maternity leave, dealing with the children while dealing with the ER patients, and other topics that are more about parenting than medicine. The mothers are all physicians but have different specialities so there are some topics that are specific to certain specialties, which I also like. Somewhere in reading that blog and diverging onto others from there I found my topic for today. Professionalism in Social Networking (as a physician in my case but for others too.)

YIKES!!! A medical student and social networking, and professionalism should not all be in the same sentence. I know. I am guilty too. But the truth is I am aware of the fact that future resident directors and colleagues will be seeing my facebook page and even though I have my security set high, I know that if someone wants to know something about you and it is on the internet it can be found. My sister is an attorney and I have learned that internet content, in many cases, is the secret weapon. Usually, the silver bullet.

The reasons for being careful are obvious. We know that the pictures we post on facebook don't represent our entire lives or our whole being. For instance, when I look at my facebook pictures I see that  in most of them I have been "prepared" for the photo. In other words they aren't of me when I am studying or when I am in class or hanging out at my house all day. No. Those pictures are boring and not attractive to say the least. I also post to my facebook wall frequently about my daily events and goings on , thoughts, and also a lot of scripture and references to my religion. Now, I am not ashamed of my religion or having children/ a family, but I might choose to not disclose this information to a residency director. While relgion and sex and having children are not supposed to factor into the equation, I fear that in some people's minds, whether they admit it or not, does creep into a decision. For instance, if you know that your resident has four children and is married, you might not think too much about it, but what if she was a single parent? Would you question whether she could handle the load? Would you think about what she would do when one of the four, or all of the four, had a virus? And how many sick days will she take vs the candidate without the children?

But it can be followed beyond your resident years, what about when you are physician? Your patients have access to your facebook postings via a friends, friends, sisters photos. The swear words, and half written words and your hatred for drive through wait times, are not what your patients want to know about you. Nor do they need to know if you have a great sex life or a terrible one.

I am guilty of all of these things.

Your patients that want to know that you have more than a good looking physique, and you know how to spell that, the and you. What if your facebook pictures and posts (in txt lingo) don't really say to them, "I am qualified to have your life in my hands"?

That is the point. I think as future physicians we must realize that our patients respect us as doctors and expect us to be "smart" and to know how to treat their illnesses. They have to first trust us in order for us to treat them. We rely heavily on their trust. We need for them to tell us what is going on with them. If we are blogging about X patient and speaking about patients or our job in a negative way on facebook that could negatively affect our practice, and moreover, how our patients view us. We need to command respect, honorability, and trustworthyiness.

Furthermore, when we enter the workforce there are going to be standards that the hospitals and offices we work in have set for us.

I understand this, and I know that my blog and my facebook and my twitter are all open to the public and I need to be reminded of this ever so often.

If you want to know what the American Medical Association's stance is then check it out here. 

So today I challenge my fellow classmates and colleagues to hold to a higher standard in social networking. May you be viewed as you are : Honorable, trustworthy, dependable, respectable with a brilliant, bright mind that has the ability to make the tough chioces when it comes to medicine. I commit to keeping my blogs, facebook, twitter, likdn (and what ever other social networking site that I join) an outward expression of my desire to help others and be deserving of my patients' trust.

Until next time,

Amy Jones, B. Sc.

Future MD.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Advice: an oxymoron

So as this semester comes to a close I have been thinking about how I could have studied harder, better, more, and made better grades. I think about what I have learned and worry a little about how close I am to taking Step 1. In my examination of myself I have realized that I rely too heavily on others advice and opinions of certain classes with respect to their level of difficulty and what books to buy and how to study for them. The fact is that I am not those people that I am asking. While I greatly respect their opinions it is all too often not my experience.

So this is the part where my post is an oxymoron. I am about to give you advice to not take others advice. Do with it what you may.

You must know yourself first. Then use what others tell you to your benefit. For instance, I am an auditory learner. If someone will explain a concept to me and I can understand the concept and tell it back to them I will never forget it. I can read the same concept and it is never internalized, and pictures are worse. But if I ask a visual learner what book to buy or use, they will probably recommend a book with great illustrations and less words. That book will be not only difficult for me to read, but it will be very frustrating for me to study. I learned that this semester.

When you are researching which books to buy, thing about how you learn best. If you are asking an upperclassman which books to buy then you should know how they learn best and if you learn the same way. Otherwise their opinion is, for all intensive purposes, useless to you. I have learned this the hard way.

What works for others may not work for you and you have to know yourself well enough to know what you need to make the material "stick" for you.

Many students have very useful advice on what to buy and how to study. I am not saying don't listen to them at all, I am saying use it to your advantage and not to your detriment. If you find that a text book recommendation is not working for you, move on, find something else.

If you need to rewrite your notes for them to make sense then do, I would advice you to use your time understanding the material and reading it rather than writing a bunch of stuff. If notecards work for you then make them, they generally only work for me if I am looking at the notecard.

I love highlighting text. I love going back and reading what I have highlighted to see why I highlighted it. I understand it better that way, but that doesn't mean that it is the best way for you to study for medical school.

My gibberish is getting old, now and I hope that I have driven home the point. KNOW YOURSELF! Know what works for you. DO IT!!!

Best of luck to all the new students arriving at UMHS!

Until next time,

Amy Jones

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Contest at Janaes Blog

So there were some great ladies that had husbands here at UMHS. They have moved on back to the US but I just found out that one of them is having a contest and the other has decided to start writing her blog again. There is yet another great woman who still lives on the island and her husband is currently in my class at UMHS. So this my attempt to WIN. I know it really isn't about winning it is more about being able to say that I won. So hop on over to janaes blog and enter to win a great contest!


Say you saw it here!


Until next time,