I should add that the rainy season, which coincides with the hurricane season -- August to October, is just about to begin and that in the rest of the year the rainy days are few. So the thunder, lightening and rain are a welcomed event when they occur.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Rainy Night on St. Kitts
By medschooll8y at 2:09 PM
rain, st. kitts hurrican season, St. Kitts. University of Medicine and Health Sciences at St. Kitts, vacation
1 comment
It seems that it rarely rains on St. Kitts. When I am out and the skies turn grey I generally ask the locals if they think that it will rain. Usually I am told that the only thing we, kittians (kit-`tee-shuns), can guarantee is "no snow". When it rains on St. Kitts the ppl usually stand under the eaves or in the alleyways because generally they rain passes stops just as suddenly as it begins. Today, however, it seems that the rain is here for the evening. It has been grey and overcast all day and the rain has been coming waves as well as thunder and the occassional lightening bolt. It doesn't seem to stop the activities on the golf course or at the beaches. The tourist and others just continue their regularly scheduled program.
I love reading about your adventures. I am going to the same st. kitts medical school next year. UMHS seems to have a great program and the information you have given about island life will really help me prepare for my own medical school experiences.